Learning how to stop biting nails is a simple concept, but it can be a daily challenge.
There is so much shame around nail biting.
I’m going to take a guess that if you are reading this article, you or a friend struggle with this uncomfortable habit.
You’ve probably tried dozens of ways to break the habit without much success.
In this article, I’ll cover
- Angela’s 30-day results using nail oil to help her stop biting
- Why it’s a hard habit to break
- How you can join my Facebook support group for nail biters
Good morning from Ann Arbor, MI! My good friend who lives in California recommended your nail oil and I ordered through Amazon Prime. I am so happy with the results. I have been a nail biter for years and what got me to stop was the image of a nail magnified 400x that is included in your education materials! I still pick at my nails and am trying to find the balance between not having them so wet (I do dishes after every meal 🙂 but overall – so much better!!! ~Angela

Aren’t Angela’s results amazing?! I love receiving these before and after photos from Bliss Kiss™ customers.
Breaking The Habit?
Nail biting is a tough habit to change. And technically we can’t break a habit. We can only REPLACE it with a better habit.
We all know this advice when we apply it to our health. If we want to lose weight and get healthy, we change our diet and activity level. Replace the donut with an apple. Give up 30 minutes of TV and do some physical exercise.
It’s a simple concept but can be challenging to live in to. Our good habits are the result of consciously choosing them every day.
The Science
I wrote an in-depth article with references to the latest scientific studies about how to stop biting nails.
My biggest takeaway from writing the article is that the biting behavior is complex.
What I found interesting was that much of the scientific conclusions didn’t align with my interviews.
My personal experience as a skin picker, my research, and feedback from others is that boredom and anxiety are triggers to bite or pick.
This is why it’s so important to learn to replace our negative habits.
Angela’s results are because she replaced the negative habit of biting to the positive habit of applying Simply Pure™ jojoba wax ester based nail oil to her nails and skin when she had the urge to bite.
It also really helps to find a support group to help with the struggle. I started a facebook support group for nail biters and skin pickers just for that reason.
Our members have felt alone and helpless for years.
In our group, they have finally found a safe place with unconditional love and support. Every member understands the journey. I’ve never experienced such a positive support group like it before.
If you would like to join, visit You’ll receive an email with support literature and the link to join. I’ve set the group as “closed” to keep the trolls out. Our members are so supportive and encouraging.
You’ll finally feel like you are not alone anymore.