
Longer, Stronger Nails | Get Naked Challenge Results from @nerdy.n.polish

THREE DAY RESULTS BY LET’S GET NAKED CHALLENGER #Repost @nerdy.n.polish ・・・ Happy Wednesday everyone! 😁 So I have been struggling with growing and strengthening my right hand nails because of how much I use this hand. Since I am a science major I do a lot with this hand and it tends to go through a lot of hand washing and such so I decided to take the #getnakedchallenge by @myblisskiss 😅 as you can see my right hand before this was super short and even had a really painful hangnail on my ring finger that peeled a chunk of my skin off, but after going three days of constantly putting Simply Pure Nail Oil on my nails it heeled it so much quicker and my nails grew a lot in only three days!! 😱😱😱 My nails have never ever grown that fast before! And they’re a lot stronger too! 💪 They usually break at this length which gets frustrating but they haven’t and I’m super happy! I’ll keep you guys updated on my month long journey! 😆 I felt a bit like Bilbo typing that out… Anyways for any of you who are curious I use the sent Pink Sugar. This is the only sent I’ve ever gotten and omg does it smell AMAZING! 😆 I like a lot of sweet candy smelling fragrances so yeah. 😁😁😄 Have a wonderful day everyone!! 😘💖 #blisskiss #blissette #simplypure #nailoil #nailcare #nails #3daychallenge #pinksugar #strongnails #hydration #lovethis

A photo posted by Ana-Your Nail Care Detective🔍 (@myblisskiss) on