by Ana | | Ask Ana, White Spots In Fingernails
White Spots on Nails… ASK ANA: White Spots on Nails “My husband used to have a LOT of white spots on his nails, and he recently radically changed his diet. He fell off the wagon for one week and ate a bunch of junk food. I was reading him your article, and...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Curved Nails
Curved Nails ASK ANA: Curved Nails Can I Change My C-Curve? ASK ANA “Hi Ana, I’ve done a lot of googling but I can’t find much reference at all to whether one can improve a flatish c-curve on natural nails – most people seem to have...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Clear Nails, Nail Health, Nail Problems
Yellow Nails – How To Remove Nail Polish Properly ASK ANA: Yellow Nails – How To Remove Nail Polish Properly ASK ANA Hi Ana! I have a question that’s been bugging me. I have semi-stained nails, they’re not as yellow as the one you’ve posted in your...
by Ana | | Breaking Nails, Brittle Nails, Nail Care, Nail Problems, Peeling
STOP BREAKING NAILS How to Stop Breaking Nails I’m often asked,”How do you keep your nails so long?” I have many strategies and techniques to strengthen my natural nails, which I will share in this article. Let me start off by saying that my nails...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Peeling, Peeling Nails, Peeling Nails
Peeling Nails – Does Polish Prevent It? ASK ANA: Peeling Nails UPDATE: Since writing this article, I have replaced the 3-Day Hydration Treatment with a faster Intensive Hydration Treatment that works in 2 to 12 hours. “Hi Ana, every time I try to complete...