by Ana | | Ask Ana, Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Testimonials
ASK ANA: Is Straight Jojoba Better Than Pure™? ASK ANA “If jojoba is so great for nails, cuticles, and hand skin, what about for the face, neck, and rest of the body? Will it work better than Pure™? Just curious. Thanks!” ~Sharon ANSWER Great question...
by Ana | | Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Jojoba, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Nail Problems, Peeling, Splitting, Testimonials, Yellow Nails
Dry Skin … it’s something we all deal with. But what is the best treatment of dry skin? A lot of people think that there is a magical cream or formula which will moisturize dry skin and hands. In Part 2 of Kira’s Pure Nail Oil™ Challenge article,...