by Ana | | Breaking Nails, Hangnails, nail biting, Nail Problems
HOW TO STOP BITING NAILS Learning how to stop biting nails is a simple concept, but it can be a daily challenge. There is so much shame around nail biting. I’m going to take a guess that if you are reading this article, you or a friend struggle with this...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Nail Care, Nail Problems, Solutions
NAIL BITING Nail Biting – Can Science Help Us Quit? “Do you have any habits like nail/pen/pencil/cheek/lip biting, resting your head on your hand, or habitual gum chewing?” Researching and writing this nail biting article made my eyes go a little cross-eyed. Let...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Nail Problems, Peeling, Slow Growth, Yellow Nails
GROW NAILS FASTER How to grow nails faster … We all want to find that magic product to help our nails grow faster. Nicole asks me a question that I get quite often. This article is a companion to my article: Nail Growth – Does Qtica Nail Growth...