by Ana | | Ask Ana, Cuticle Oil, Nail Oil, Ridge Filing Base Coat, Yellow Nails
Yellow Stained Nails – Ask Ana Yellow Stained Nails ASK ANA “I have a question …How do I get the whites of my nails super white? They get yellow so fast and I need an easy, “cheap” way to get them white again.I use base coat, but I work...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Jojoba, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Nail Problems, Peeling, Solutions, Splitting, White Spots In Fingernails
White spots in nails—we all get them and many people wonder about the true source. Today’s post is a combo article—a Pure Nail Oil™ Challenger’s results and an ASK ANA. A few months after Sue Metcalf of did her Pure™ Challenge, she asked me...
by Ana | | Ask Ana, Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Testimonials
ASK ANA: Is Straight Jojoba Better Than Pure™? ASK ANA “If jojoba is so great for nails, cuticles, and hand skin, what about for the face, neck, and rest of the body? Will it work better than Pure™? Just curious. Thanks!” ~Sharon ANSWER Great question...
by Ana | | Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Let's Get Naked Challenge, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Nail Problems, Peeling, Splitting, Testimonials, Yellow Nails
Good cuticle health is tough to maintain when your skin gets dry. Many of us can’t stand dry skin and start messing with it. Today’s article shows an example of what can happen when the nipping compulsion goes too far. It also shows the miracle that are...
by Ana | | Brittle Nails, Cuticle Oil, Jojoba, Nail Care, Nail Oil, Nail Problems, Peeling, Splitting, Testimonials, Yellow Nails
Dry Skin … it’s something we all deal with. But what is the best treatment of dry skin? A lot of people think that there is a magical cream or formula which will moisturize dry skin and hands. In Part 2 of Kira’s Pure Nail Oil™ Challenge article,...