Why are my nails suddenly breaking, brittle, peeling?
There are 4 general areas that contribute to what feels like sudden changes in yoru nails… and it most likely started 4 months ago.
Here are some things to pay attention to that may help you figure out what’s going on with your nails.
The Four Quadrants
Let’s go through the 4 Quadrants questions to see what’s going on in your life that may be contributing.
- Home… do you have kids? Pets? Other demands at home that could be putting a strain on your nails?
- What do you do for work? Are your hands in water or in contact with paper or cleaners or need frequent hand washing?
- Health… have you had any changes in your health lately? Any new medications or other changes?
- Stress… stress is always a challenge. Especially in the world we live in. It can be good stress, too, like moving or getting married or in a new relationship or having a baby.Â
Hobbies… gardening, animals, rock climbing, arts and craft stuff, pottery… there are lots of hobbies that can affect your nail health.Â
Remember, it takes 4+ months for your new nail cells to grow out to your nail tips.
So it will take 4 months to really start seeing a difference in your nails. Be patient with yourself!Â
I take a Biotin supplement for my nails and find it helpful. Remember a healthy diet and drinking lots of water gives your body the nourishment it needs to devote more energy to building healthier nail cells.Â

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